In the heart of our stockades lies a refuge for injured wild elephants seeking help. Witnessing these majestic creatures acknowledge our sanctuary despite human harm is a poignant experience.
On July 10, a magnificent wild bull bearing a septic wound from poisoned arrows found his way to our Ithumba Reintegration Unit.

A quick response ensued as our team, in collaboration with KWS veterinarian Dr. Poghon, embarked on a mission to save this resilient creature.
The bull, navigating dense vegetation, posed a challenge, but our helicopter stood ready to dart him from the air.

The elephant displayed remarkable resilience with a severely infected wound and decaying flesh hanging from the abscess.
Despite the effects of anesthesia setting in, it took time for him to succumb. Stubbornly, he moved deeper into the bush before finally collapsing, exposing his injury.
The medical team promptly treated the septic wound, removing dead tissue and draining a substantial amount of pus. The agony the elephant endured must have been immense.

Fortunately, he reached our stockades before the injury became life-threatening, raising hopes for a full recovery, according to Dr. Poghon.
After a meticulous cleaning of the wound, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories were administered.
We closely monitor the patient’s recovery while our field teams collaborate with KWS to identify the attackers and bring them to justice.

Extensive aerial surveillance, Anti-Poaching Teams, and Canine Units are actively pursuing regional leads.
This incident followed another emergency where the same vet team provided life-saving treatment for wounds on the bull’s leg and abdomen.
The SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Vet Unit responded, and after a series of coordinated efforts, the bull is expected to recover fully.

Thanks to our team’s swift and precise actions, these resilient bulls will continue to roam the Greater Tsavo Conservation Area for years to come.