Kentucky State Police, firefighter save dog trapped inside tree at cemetery

You’ve probably heard of cats being rescued after climbing up trees — but have you heard about the dog that was rescued after becoming trapped inside a tree?

Kentucky State troopers Sgt. Michael Williams and Tpr. Gerick Sullivan, who were off-duty at the time, were mowing a cemetery in Salem when they heard the barks of a dog coming from a wooded area on the property.

Williams and Sullivan continued to search until finding a dachshund who was trapped inside a tree.

“Rocco” had apparently become stuck after getting inside the tree from a groundhog hole.

The Salem Fire Department was called for assistance and firefighter Daniel Newcomb cut part of the tree, allowing for Rocco to be freed safely.

Rocco was later returned to his owner.

Meanwhile, the opening in the tree was made larger in case any other dogs or animals venture inside the tree.