An іпсгedіЬɩe journey: The heartwarming гeѕсᴜe of a baby elephant that feɩɩ into a hole


Take into consideration that elephant calves tend to be around three feet and steadily grow taller. So, it wasn’t as small as we might be accustomed to thinking when talking about babies. However, even at that height, it still wasn’t tall enough to get out of the abandoned well, with the elephant unable to see over the top.



To make matters worse, as this was an abandoned well, the walls of the hole were vertical, so it was incredibly difficult for the creature to clamber out. Every time it tried to get a foothold, it just slipped down into the mud at the bottom. This stuff didn’t help matters either, leaving the calf uncertain about what to do.

The elephants allegedly cried out as the calf tried to escape

The elephant was eager to escape from the hole and kept trying to clamber out. However, with each failed attempt, all that it accomplished was losing more of its energy. The panic and determination to get out gradually wore it down. As it grew tired, it may well have questioned if it would ever make it out of the hole.



Allegedly, as the stress mounted and the situation seemed to become more dire, the creature began crying out. It was a sound supposedly copied by the rest of the herd, who remained by the hole but were unable to help the calf escape from this terrifying ordeal. They all wanted to find a solution to resolve this problem.

People supposedly heard the sounds and went to investigate

A herd of elephants all crying out must be quite an unusual and unnerving sound. Given how loud one of these animals can be, a group of them all making the same noise would surely be heard from miles away. Supposedly, some locals were near enough to be able to catch the alleged calls of these distressed elephants.



At first, they apparently weren’t confident about what they were actually listening to at first. After all, it’s probably not every day you hear a sound like this, even somewhere like India, where elephants are more common in the wild. However, the noise reportedly attracted their attention enough to motivate them to seek out the source.

The locals reportedly tracked down the elephants but were cautious

Even if you were miles away, if you heard a cacophony of elephant calls somewhere in the distance, you probably wouldn’t have much trouble tracking the animals down. These locals certainly didn’t seem to have a problem, apparently making their way to the Urulanthanni River and the site of the abandoned well where the calf was still trying to escape.



Of course, they couldn’t simply just swoop in and save the day. As much as the elephants might have needed help, these creatures aren’t ones you can just approach without extreme caution. They could easily lash out and claim the lives of anyone who came near, especially if they were distressed. So, the people had to consider their actions carefully.

Some locals went to seek assistance with freeing the elephant

Luckily, despite the elephants reportedly being worried about the calf in the abandoned well, they didn’t attack the locals who’d come to investigate the situation. People were able to get close enough to see what the problem was without their lives being in immediate danger. It was like animals intuitively knew that these locals meant no harm.



After supposedly analyzing the situation, it was clear that getting the elephant out of the hole would require additional help. If nothing else, they needed more manpower, which is why a few of them apparently went to the closest town to seek assistance. With any luck, when they returned, they’d finally be able to end the calf’s nightmare ordeal.