As a reptile that lived at the same time as dinosaurs, Komodo dragons demonstrate the ability to kіɩɩ their ргeу, giving everyone who witnesses “spines.”


A shared video has attracted the attention of the online community as an adult Komodo dragon calmly swallows a baby wild boar to the amazement of viewers.



In the video, it can be seen that the pig is not small in size. However, instead of biting and tearing its prey as in most cases, the Komodo dragon decided to “swallow” its enemy like a python would do.



Komodo dragons have a shape very similar to crocodiles, such as a round snout, scaly skin, strong limbs and sharp claws, and a long tail. They use their four limbs to crawl on the ground like reptiles. However, they can also dive underwater to a depth of 5m, and are also capable of climbing trees like lizards.



Despite their large bodies, they run quite fast. When moving, they can reach speeds of about 20km/h, and only run in a straight line. Komodo dragons are very patient in hunting, they can lie still for hours waiting for prey without having to be too hasty.

