Attention-Grabbing Newborn Goat: Nearly Half-Meter Long Ears Captivate Online Community, Owner Mulls Guinness Record Submission



The baby goat named Simba, which means lion in Swahili, was born in Karachi, Pakistan and has become a local celebrity.

The adorable goat, believed to be around two weeks old, has ears so long that they drag on the ground when it walks.



Simba’s owner, Muhammad Hassan Narejo, was very fond of Simba and said: “We hope Simba will soon become the Guinness World Record holder for the longest ears.”



Simba was born on a goat farm in Pakistan’s largest city called Nagra Farm.

Goat farming is a very popular business in Pakistan – partly because they are suited to the diverse terrain.



Simba’s owner, Muhammad Hassan Narejo, was very fond of Simba and said: “We hope Simba will soon become a Guinness World Record holder”

There is currently no goat that holds the Guinness World Record for longest ears – but there are dogs that hold the same title.



Simba’s nearly 50cm long ears are probably the result of a genetic mutation or genetic disorder. But overall, that mutation seems to fit together very well.

Goats often have long ears, but Nubian goats, Simba’s species, have the longest ears of all goat species.



At birth, Simba had difficulty standing because of his long ears. Simba is a little more steady now. The goat has no problem with his beautiful 48cm long ears

Goat ears serve a very important purpose as they help keep cool in hot temperatures. In Pakistan the temperature changes due to changing terrain, but in summer the highest temperature can reach 47 degrees Celsius.



Luckily for Simba, temperatures are trending significantly lower. Although it is still very hot in the summer.