A tale of miraculous friendship: Orphaned zebra and rhino forge unbreakable bonds as best friends

This narrative highlights an extraordinary friendship between two baby animals – a rhino and a zebra – under unusual circumstances.

Rescued and cared for by the world’s largest rhino orphanage, Care for Wild Sanctuary, their bond is a silver lining in a grim backdrop.


The unlikely friendship blossomed in a sanctuary, where both were brought in after being found abandoned in the wild. The sanctuary’s mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, release, and safeguard the animals under their care.

After violent storms and heavy rains, the sanctuary’s workers stumbled upon a forlorn zebra foal in South Africa’s vast Kruger National Park.



Source: careforwild

Despite their specialization in rhino care, they couldn’t ignore the tiny striped creature in need. The zebra, who they named Modjadji or ‘rain queen,’ was weak and struggling but found solace in the company of a baby rhino named Aquazi at the sanctuary’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU).


Not long after Modjadji’s arrival, the sanctuary team came across another unexpected resident – a newborn rhino with its umbilical cord still intact.

The calf was alone and vulnerable, indicating it was only a day old. Promptly transported to the ICU, the rhino, named Daisy, received round-the-clock care from dedicated caregivers.



Source: careforwild

Amidst fears of her becoming a meal for hyenas, the reason for her abandonment remains unclear. However, the discovery coincided with a period of rampant poaching, an alarming reality that will be discussed later.


As Daisy began to regain her strength, Modjadji became her constant companion. Even after Aquazi left the ICU, Modjadji continued to provide comfort and company to Daisy.

The two formed an inseparable bond, much to the delight of the sanctuary workers. Daisy’s health gradually improved, and she recently celebrated four lively months with Modjadji by her side.



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild

As these two playful residents continue to bring joy to the sanctuary, the darker reality of why they are here can’t be ignored.

Poaching, an illegal and cruel activity, target endangered or protected animals for their valuable body parts.

The demand for rhino horns, especially in Asian countries like China and Vietnam, has dangerously escalated the threat level for white and black rhinos.



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild


According to Care for Wild, the poaching menace leaves behind countless young calves, helpless and without survival skills.


Additionally, the rise in poaching activities around Christmas exacerbates the threat to rhinos, consequently reducing future generations.

To combat this, adopting advanced technology to track rhinos, raising awareness about the issue, and supporting organizations like Care for Wild could be instrumental.

In the meantime, we can all cherish the heartwarming story of Daisy and Modjadji and their indomitable spirit.



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild




Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild



Source: careforwild