After a decade of separation surgery, the conjoined siblings who once shocked the world are now embracing adulthood.

There are always hazards involved in having a child, and the birth of your child is nothing short of a miracle. Nobody knows this better than Isabelle and Abby Carlsen’s parents.

However, their parents faced a difficult choice as surgeons prepared to perform the delicate separation operation.

The parents carried the weighty burden of dread and concern regarding the operation. According to the Star Tribune, sixty percent of such procedures resulted in fatalities at the time of the siblings’ separation.
On May 12, 2006, a team of 17 surgeons performed a delicate operation that lasted 12 hours and was fraught with anxiety, especially when it came time to separate their shared liver.

The girls had to spend the first six months of their lives in hospital rooms, but fortunately everything went according to plan and they both survived.

Now, a decade later, it is impossible to believe that the two sisters were once joined; they are thriving!
Today, Isabelle and Abby can hardly believe the photograph of them as infants joined together is of them.

“Every night when we look in the mirror in our room, we wonder how people get us confused.” Abby stated, as reported by CBS News.

According to an interview with their former teacher, Tiffany Moos, they are today vivacious, gymnastics-obsessed, well-adjusted academically, and all-around friendly.
Although both are extremely independent, they occasionally hold hands while strolling together.

In the following clip, Abby and Isabelle tell their story in their own terms.



What an incredible team of surgeons to successfully perform this operation on these two lovely young ladies.
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