Scooch found it challenging to make his way out of the dim cell, and into the brightness, as he lacked the use of his hind legs.

Animal rescuers found Scootch underneath his deserted house located at the far end of a gravel road, with other uninhabited houses dotting the vicinity.

Using their spotlights in the pitch black, the brown Pitbull was visible to them. Donna approached cautiously, causing the dog to hunch in a corner and growl softly. After offering him a wiener, the dog stopped snarling. Scooch used his front legs to drag himself closer to the food, revealing that his back legs were paralyzed. Donna was concerned about how long he had been alone and frightened in the area, so she reached out to the Stray Rescue of St. Louis website for help. After careful consideration, they decided to use food as a lure to safely and stress-free approach the dog. It was evident that Scooch had been incredibly hungry and was willing to flock towards any food offered to him.

Scooch made his way towards the food, his feeble frame displaying his lack of strength. Upon reaching the doghouse entrance, Donna halted in her tracks, seemingly uncertain of what could happen next. However, the dog, upon glimpsing them, appeared to be willing to give them a chance. Donna couldn’t help but notice the sorry state of Scooch as soon as she stepped outside. He was emaciated, with his hind legs displaying open wounds caused by dragging himself across the ground.

With utmost care, they moved him into the car, wrapping him up in a cozy blanket. The dog gazed up at them with gratitude for their help and seemed content to be riding in an air-conditioned vehicle.

Donna explained that the man’s grateful expression indicated that he understood our intentions were purely to assist him.

Watching Scooch’s rescue may be heart-wrenching, but his courage and commitment are truly inspiring. We remain optimistic that this extraordinary pup will make a full recovery, and we’re grateful to his rescuers for leaving no stone unturned in ensuring that he enjoys a happy life.