Captivating footage: A hilarious eпсoᴜпteг as two ɡіɡапtіс sea lions commandeer a boat with amusing апtісѕ

Joshua Phillips, a former professional soccer player, was out for a leisurely boat ride when he spotted an unusual sight – two enormous sea lions commandeering a small boat. He couldn’t resist capturing the bizarre moment on video.

As Phillips recounted to The Seattle Times, he noticed that something was off about the vessel as he approached it.

Watch the video at the end.


It wasn’t until he got closer that he realized the two gigantic sea lions were aboard, cruising around Eld Inlet near Olympia, Washington.



Rumor has it that a third sea lion attempted to join the party but was rejected by the duo already on the boat. As the saying goes, two’s company, three’s a crowd – especially when the boat seems ready to capsize under the weight of these massive marine mammals.




The owner of the commandeered boat remains unknown, as does the duration of the sea lions’ joyride. One thing is for certain, though: the boat was dangerously close to sinking. The Marine Mammal Center states that sea lions can grow up to 11 feet (3.25 meters) long and weigh nearly 2,500 pounds (1120 kilograms).



Watch the video below: