Embracing Life’s Challenges: A Story of Resilience, Graduation, and Motherhood at 23

Aged 23, Montoya Major will graduate from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on August 16th. She will be graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Cardiovascular Sonography and a master’s degree in health science.

The moment is regarded as outstanding, particularly because she achieved all of her educational objectives while always having her twins by her side.

Sharing her joy and accomplishment on Facebook, Major acknowledged she was on the verge of giving up after discovering she was 5 months pregnant in 2017, the year she began her studies at Nova Southeastern University.

“I sincerely almost gave up! The Devil really had me,” Major wrote on her Facebook page, adding that “Nothing would have prepared me for this journey that I’ve been through… the program began with 26 people and now just 17 of us will be graduating.”

Also detailing the stress she went through when she discovered she was pregnant, Major explained that her program director had suggested she forfeit the program in 2017 and return in 2018 to complete the degree.

She stated further that she knew it would nearly be impossible for her to finish with two infants by her side. “But I went to class every day, literally until the day I gave ???????????????????? to my two girls and honestly, I was determined to finish,” Major added.

In May 2018, however, two adorable twins were born via ᴄ-sᴇᴄtɪᴏɴ. What a determination! Major really deserves an award!!