Rediscovered romantic tales:16 years old century love stories of the true lovers revealed

T?? t???ic ??t? ?? t?? “L?v??s ?? T????l” t??c??? t?? ????ts ?? t?? ????l?, ?n? t??? w??? ???i?? si?? ?? si?? in t?? C???c? ?? S?n P???? in T????l. T??i? t?m?s ??c?m? ? s?m??l ?? t??? l?v? ?n? ??v?ti?n, ?n? t?? st??? ?? t??i? ill-??t?? ??m?nc? ??s ???n ??ss?? ??wn t?????? ??n???ti?ns.

This ??i? ?? t?m?s w?s c???t?? ??t?? tw? m?mmi?i?? ???i?s w??? ?isc?v???? in th? 16th c?nt???. Th? m?mmi?s w??? ??li?v?? t? ??l?n? t? th? l???n???? “L?v??s ?? T????l.”

Th? st??? ???s th?t tw? ???l? 13th-c?nt??? chil?h??? sw??th???ts, Di??? M??tin?z M??cill? ?n? Is???l S?????, w??? ???v?nt?? ?? Is???l’s ??th?? ???m m????in? ?nc? th?? c?m? ?? ???. Is???l’s w??lth? ??th?? ?i? n?t w?nt h?? m????in? int? th? M??cill? ??mil? ??c??s? Di???’s ??th?? h?? ??ll?n ?n h??? tim?s.

Is???l w?s ??l? t? ???s???? h?? ??th?? t? w?it ?iv? ????s ?????? m????in? h?? ??? t? s?m??n? ?ls?. D??in? th?s? ????s, Di??? w?s m??nt t? l??v? t?wn ?n? m?k? his ???t?n? ?ls?wh???. Is???l’s ??th?? ??????, ?n? th? ?iv? ????s ??ss?? with??t ? w??? ???m Di???.

Wh?n h? w?s ?in?ll? ??l? t? ??t??n t? th? t?wn ?iv? ????s l?t??, Di??? w?s ?ist????ht t? ?in? th?t Is???l’s ??th?? h?? ???c?? h?? t? m???? th? ??? ?????? his ???iv?l. Di??? ?i? n?t ???liz? h? w?s ?n? ??? l?t?, ?s h?? n?t c?nsi????? th? ??? th? ?????m?nt w?s ???ch?? t? ?? ???t ?? th? ?iv?-???? limit.

Th?t ni?ht, wh?n Di??? clim??? int? Is???l’s ??????m, sh? ????s?? t? kiss him ??t ?? l???lt? t? h?? n?w h?s??n?, wh? w?s ?sl??? n?xt t? h??. B??k?nh???t??, Di??? ??ll ??wn ?t h?? ???t ?n? ?i??. Is???l w?s s? ??i??-st?ick?n th?t sh? ?i?? ?t Di???’s ??n???l.

Th? citiz?ns ?? T????l wh? kn?w th? st??? ?? th? tw? chil?h??? sw??th???ts insist?? th?t th?? li? ???i?? t???th??. Th? 16th-c?nt??? ?isc?v??? ?? tw? m?mmi?s ????? ???th?? ???l t? th? l???n?.

D?s?it? m????n ?vi??nc? th?t th?s? tw? ???i?s c??l? n?t ?? th? tw? l?v??s, ????l? still visit th? ??n?t? m??s?l??m th?t h??s?s th?i? ?ll???? ??m?ins. Th? tw? t?m?s, ??si?n?? ?? J??n ?? Áv?l?s, ???ict th? c???l? ???chin? ??t t? ??ch ?th?? in ???th.