The FNSS PARS III SPM: Self-ргoрeɩɩed Howitzer

Th? FNSS PARS III SPM (S?l?-P????ll?? H?witz??) is ? m????n s?l?-?????ll?? h?witz?? ??si?n?? ?n? m?n???ct???? ?? FNSS S?v?nm? Sist?ml??i A.Ş., ? T??kish ????ns? c?m??n?. This s?l?-?????ll?? h?witz?? is ???t ?? th? PARS (T??kish ??? “L??????”) ??mil? ?? wh??l?? ??m???? v?hicl?s, which incl???s v??i??s c?n?i????ti?ns ??? ?i?????nt ?????s?s, s?ch ?s in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl?s, ??m???? ???s?nn?l c???i??s, ?n? ?nti-?i?c???t v?hicl?s.

Th? PARS III SPM is ??im??il? ??si?n?? ??? ??till??? s?????t ?n? in?i??ct ?i?? missi?ns. It is ???i???? with ? h?witz?? ?? ??n th?t c?n ?i?? ? v??i?t? ?? ??till??? ???n?s, incl??in? hi?h-?x?l?siv?, sm?k?, ?n? ???cisi?n-??i??? m?niti?ns. This v?hicl? is c????l? ?? ?n???in? t????ts ?t ?xt?n??? ??n??s, m?kin? it ? v?l???l? ?ss?t ??? m????n ??m?? ???c?s.

K?? ???t???s ?n? c????iliti?s ?? th? FNSS PARS III SPM m?? incl???:

Fi????w??: Th? PARS III SPM is t??ic?ll? ??m?? with ? h?witz?? ?? ??n with ? c?li??? ??n?in? ???m 105mm t? 155mm. This ???vi??s th? v?hicl? with th? ??ilit? t? ??liv?? ?cc???t? ?n? l?th?l in?i??ct ?i?? s?????t t? ????n? ???c?s.

M??ilit?: Th? v?hicl? is m??nt?? ?n ? wh??l?? ch?ssis, which ???vi??s it with ???? m??ilit? ?n v??i??s t????ins. Its wh??l?? ??si?n ?ll?ws ??? ???i? ???l??m?nt ?n? ????siti?nin?, which is ??v?nt?????s in m????n w??????.

P??t?cti?n: Lik? ?th?? PARS ??mil? v?hicl?s, th? PARS III SPM is ??si?n?? with ? ??c?s ?n c??w ???t?cti?n. It t??ic?ll? ???t???s ??m???? ???t?cti?n ???inst sm?ll ??ms ?i??, ??till??? sh?ll s?lint??s, ?n? ch?mic?l, ?i?l??ic?l, ???i?l??ic?l, ?n? n?cl??? (CBRN) th???ts.

C??w: Th? v?hicl?’s c??w t??ic?ll? c?nsists ?? s?v???l m?m???s, incl??in? th? ??iv??, ??nn??, ?n? l?????. S?m? v??si?ns m?? h?v? ??t?m?t?? l???in? s?st?ms t? ????c? th? c??w’s w??kl???.

Fi?? C?nt??l S?st?m: Th? PARS III SPM is ???i???? with ??v?nc?? ?i?? c?nt??l s?st?ms t? ?ns??? ?cc???c? wh?n ?n???in? t????ts. Th?s? s?st?ms m?? incl??? GPS ?n? in??ti?l n?vi??ti?n, l?s?? ??n???in???s, ?n? c?m??t??iz?? ?i?? c?nt??l.

Amm?niti?n H?n?lin?: Th? v?hicl? is ???i???? with ?n ?mm?niti?n h?n?lin? s?st?m th?t ?ll?ws ??? ???ici?nt l???in? ?n? ?i?in? ?? ??till??? ???n?s.

CBRN P??t?cti?n: S?m? v??i?nts ?? th? PARS III SPM m?? ???t??? CBRN ???t?cti?n s?st?ms t? s???????? th? c??w ???inst ch?mic?l, ?i?l??ic?l, ???i?l??ic?l, ?n? n?cl??? th???ts.

Th? FNSS PARS III SPM is ???t ?? th? m????niz?ti?n ?????ts in ??m???? ??till??? ?l?t???ms ?n? c?n ?l?? ? vit?l ??l? in s?????tin? ????n? ???c?s in ? v??i?t? ?? milit??? ?????ti?ns. Its v??s?tilit?, m??ilit?, ?n? ?i????w?? m?k? it ? v?l???l? ?ss?t in th? ??s?n?ls ?? ??m?? ???c?s th?t ?tiliz? it.