The Sacred Rhythm of Birth: A Serene Oceanic eпсoᴜпteг”

Not at the hospital, not at home. Josy Peukert decided to give birth on a beach in the Pacific Ocean, without any kind of medical intervention, describing it as a “free birth”. The 37-year-old woman shared the moment in February, but it has only now gone viral on social media.

“The waves had the same rhythm as the contractions, that smooth flow made me feel really good” , he recalled, in an interview with the  New York Post . Josy, who refused to undergo tests throughout her pregnancy, had the help of her husband, Benni Cornelius , 42 years old. The delivery took place at Majagual Beach, located on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua.

“I had this idea in my head that I wanted to give birth in the ocean and because the conditions were right the day I did it ,” she said. When Josy went into labor, her other three children went to friends’ houses and her husband transported her to the beach with a kit of tools: towels, gauze and a bowl “to hold the placenta” .

The video of the moment, with more than 3,000 views, was shared on his Instagram account with the following caption: “The world needs more men who trust their women and their abilities, support them and love them from the bottom of their hearts. hearts” , it reads. Bodhi Amor Ocean Cornelius was born on the 27th of February this year.

“After Bodhi was born and wrapped in towels, I went back to the ocean to freshen up. Then I got dressed, we packed up and went back to the house, where the three of us went straight to bed. Later that night we weighed Bodhi, he weighed 3.5 kilos ,” he said.


” My first birth was traumatic “


Josy explained why she wanted her baby to be born without medical intervention: “I wanted to be worry-free for once. My first birth was traumatic in a clinic and my second was at home, but for the third, even having a midwife in my house was too much ,” she recalled. “This time, I had no doctor’s appointments, tests or outside influence. We didn’t have a date or deadline for the baby to arrive, we just trusted that our baby would arrive ,” she added.

“I had no fears or worries to welcome a new little soul into our lives, just me, my mate and the waves. It was beautiful ,” he recalled.

Josy and her husband emigrated from Germany to Nicaragua, where they met and had their first child together, Marley Mune , aged two. Together, they have seven children.