Touching story! the mother who couldn’t get pregnant and the choking moment when she saw her little angel being born from the surrogate

These photos сарtᴜгe the emotional moment a mother meets her baby born through a surrogate


You may have seen shares of your birth photos, but this series captures something you may not have seen before: the joy of a mother meeting her baby born to her pregnant partner. household.

Kim Overton was diagnosed with uterine fibroids earlier, but she underwent treatment for uterine fibroids to give birth to her son in 2012.

Kim considered surrogacy — and after discussing it with her family, she learned her cousin’s daughter, Cydnee, was willing to do it.

Meanwhile, Cydnee wants to be a replacement because Kim is having problems trying to have another child.

Leilani Rogers’ portraits were an emotional day for Kim’s extended immediate family.
The baby – a healthy boy – was named Oliver.

Kim said that meeting Oliver for the first time was ѕtгапɡe. “My three-year journey of conceiving was an emotional roller coaster, but he is finally there, this sweet little baby after such a long time.”
The moment was also emotional for Cydnee. “I feel like I have accomplished my goal of making a miraculous difference in someone’s life.”

Kim and Cydnee both hope their experiences will help others better understand surrogacy.