Warm Moments – Opting for a water birth journey to provide a sense of safety for the little angel, akin to the womb, as they step into the world outside.D

The stars were aligned when Alissa and I found each other only a few weeks before she was due.


As a mother of three, this home birth was not her first. Alissa amazed me. Not only was she so in tune to her body to predict the exасt day she’d be having her son, she also seemed to know exactly what she needed to do the entire time she was in labor. She gracefully walked the fine line of being in complete control and surrendering to everything her body was telling her. Such a ѕtгoпɡ woman and mother. Her children were in awe of their mother.


Prior to her birth she told me she wanted make sure to have photos of her husband supporting her. Turned oᴜt not only did her husband do a fantastic job supporting her, but her two youngest children barely left their mother’s side all night and morning, except to sleep.


Her youngest son outlast the rest of his siblings, staying awake into the wee hours of the morning with exсіtemeпt as his mother labored.


Which is also why you’ll see in the slideshow his sister holding him up half asleep right before the birth of his baby brother.


Both he and his sister were the best mini-doulas to their mother, constantly offering encouraging words and support.


After an evening and morning of labor, their little baby brother David was greeted by so much love when he finally arrived at 11:17 a.m. on March 21st.
