The story of Dedko, who prefers to stand upright so as not to hurt him

Guys, I never thought I’d find a dog on the road that wanted to end its life by running towards every car. He can’t stand on his feet, he doesn’t want to eat. And now where should I take him to the doctor, all the clinics have closed? I will not be verbose about the finding, but the situation is dire. 10:30 p.m. at the Provet clinic, we are well, the blood count is not good. Severe anemia. It is complex with systems, vitamins, antibiotics and painkillers! He falls asleep straight up because maybe it doesn’t hurt like that…”
This was written by a woman from Plovdiv who found and took the dog home. She named him Dedko. We won’t describe it – the pictures speak for themselves.
We admit it, whenever we have to write about abandoned, neglected, beaten, abused, homeless, sick and unhappy dogs… it hurts. It hurts so much that if it weren’t for our desire to help, we probably wouldn’t be writing.
I was afraid I wouldn’t find him alive, and there he was standing waiting, straight again and limping with weakness. He refuses to eat, but he has to!We are in the clinic, the situation is not good. 4 D test positive for heartworm, biochemistry is not good, liver is 15 times higher than normal, cough, leading doctors to conclude that heartworm is in advanced stage. He’s breathing heavily!
Нужните изследвания, които предстоят, снимка на гръден кош и бял дроб, за да се види степента на компетентност от дирофиларията, ехография на черен дроб и бъбрици. Може би ще предстои кръвопреливане, ако се произведат бели кръвни тела. Манипулациите днес са отново системи, витамини, антибиотици и обезболяващи.”
That’s it. Now Stanka Merdjanova – that’s the name of the woman who sheltered Dedko, is asking for help. Because a lot of money is needed to help the dog, which she can’t provide on her own.



