AЬапdoпed in the tгаѕһ Why doesn’t it ɩeаⱱe this place?

An animal protection group “Hope for Pows” active in Los Angeles, California has been contacted that “there is a dog abandoned in the garbage”.

When the group staff headed to the site, they found something wriggling in the garbage dump in one corner of the site. A dog was sitting so dirty that it was difficult to distinguish it from garbage.


Why is this dog living in such a smelly and dirty place?

The staff I chose realized why. The dog is blind in both eyes.

The dog chose a garbage dump as a smelly, dirty, but safe place to approach for a life in which he could not see anything and had no one to protect him.


The staff protected the dog, headed to “Fiona” and took her home.

Fiona, who lived in the garbage, was completely black and covered with fleas.

Afterwards, after seeing a doctor, Fiona was still completely blind in both eyes.

The surgery was expensive, but thanks to the support of people who found out about Fiona on social media, I was able to have the surgery without any problems and was able to see in one eye.

Add a safe place and light, and Fiona cheers up for a while.

There is no remnant of the time when I was black and frightened at that garbage dump.

Fiona has since been adopted by Michael and Chris and is living happily ever after.

Here is a video that summarizes how Fiona is protected and getting better. You can see Fiona moving energetically.