ᴜпɩeаѕһіпɡ Hope: The Remarkable Journey of an аЬапdoпed HUSKY’s Full Transformation

You certainly know the Indonesian island of Bali. It’s a beautiful place, but unfortunately there are a lot of stray dogs.

The government tries to contain the problems that this can cause, such as rabies epidemics, but, fortunately, citizens and associations are very much involved in the efforts made.

Some time ago, a 26-year-old young man, Rico Soegiarto, discovered an abandoned female husky in bad shape on the streets of the city of Denpasar.

He met her on his way home from his night job. The poor dog had parts of her body completely devoid of hair.

She was so skinny you could see her bones through her diseased, damaged skin.

He didn’t have long to live in this state.

But despite her sad condition, her beautiful blue eyes still shone.

Rico knew he had to do something for her.
