15 Captivating Side Garden Design Ideas to Transform Your Outdoor Space

Seeing green plants is an easy way to reduce stress. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating a garden next to the house needs to be considered. With a garden next to the house, whenever we can see and enjoy the greenery.

Making a garden on the side of the house is also a smart way to outsmart limited land. Limited land, especially in urban areas, often means that the house no longer has a yard for growing plants.

Even though at the front of the house there is no more land left, sometimes there are still other parts that leave empty space. The side of the house is an area that often leaves little space to be used as a garden.

art is only small in size, with a creative design it can produce a minimalist garden next to a beautiful house. Curious? Here are some examples of garden ideas next to the house that can be copied.

1. Elongated Wall Garden

Taman Dinding Memanjang

side Usually housing developers still leave land as wide as 1 meter on the side as access in and out. Well, this remaining land can be used to make a garden next to the house. In order to accommodate more plants, use pots.

Stick the pots on the wall so you can save space. Choose the type of plant that is not too big so it doesn’t interfere with access to the way in and out. In addition, also plant grass to cover the ground.

2. Minimalist Garden with Rocks

Taman Minimalis dengan Bebatuan

The garden next to the house can be used for various things, including for health therapy. Create a garden filled with rocks, such as pumice so that you can use them for walks as well as health therapy.

On the side, plant some medium-sized trees that can shade the home environment.

3. Garden with Pots

Taman dengan Pot

How to make a garden next to a narrow house, namely using pots as a place to plant plants. Use pots with various types and variations, for example hanging pots, sticky pots and long pots and so on.

4. Park with Footpaths

Taman dengan Jalan Setapak

The narrow land next to the house, which is usually only used as a footpath, can actually also be used for a garden. It’s easy, just plant or place pots filled with plants on the left and right edges of the path and it becomes a beautiful garden.

5. Garden with a Fence of Green Plants

Taman dengan Pagar Tanaman Hijau

An equally good idea for creating a beautiful garden beside the house is to use a fence. Let the side fence of the house grow vines and use it as a garden.

Taman Samping Rumah Minimalis


Taman dengan Suasana Pantai


Taman Minimalis di Dekat Jendela


Taman Samping Rumah Simple


Taman Kota di Samping Rumah


Enjoying the green of the park and the cool atmosphere while sitting nicely on a bench, is an activity that is common for people to do while in a city park or the like. Activities like this can be brought at home, so whenever you want to sit in the garden you don’t have to go out of the house.

Even though the types of plants are not as complete as city parks, you can still feel a calm and beautiful atmosphere. Just park a tree species that can grow up to 1-2 meters high and then place a chair or park bench right under it.

Add rocks and green grass at the bottom to complete the city garden concept which is carried out into a small garden next to the house.

The concept and creation of a garden next to the house can be done in various styles. Starting from a small garden that uses a footpath next to the house to the idea of ​​a beach atmosphere, you can develop a beautiful garden concept on the land next to the house.