Garden design in Moresque style is an important element of Islamic art. Hispano-Moresque style in landscaping design is the most accessible manifestation of a complex civilization in the world. Brilliant and mysterious to outsiders, garden design in Moresque style shows unique elegance and superb balance between design and form, creating stunning outdoor living spaces with strong visual impact.
Lushome shares beautiful landscaping ideas for garden design in Hispano-Moresque style. A collection of photographs give great inspirations for using Moorish motifs in yard landscaping, adding unique character to outdoor living spaces and creating strong aesthetic appeal reflecting cultural differences and traditions.
Islamic art, arabesques and Moorish accents are not all about the Muslim religion, but architectural designs, interior decorating and garden design in Moresque style represent the unique, rich culture associated with it. Moroccan design ideas and Spanish style are great examples of decorating with Moorish accents.
Landscaping ideas and garden design in Moresque style show influences of the Early Christian art, Persian culture, Roman and Byzantine art. The Islamic pottery, yard decorations and ornaments have a tinge of the Chinese art forms and oriental garden design.
Nomads brought central Asian ideas and oriental garden design style in Islamic art and landscaping design. Popular Islamic elements, – mosaic tile designs, pottery, Arabic motifs, made of natural fibers rugs and colorful cushions, are used for decorating outdoor rooms and creating garden design in Moresque style today.













