One of the easiest and most effective ways to beautify your outdoor space is to add flowers!
White roses, orange canna lilies, deep purple bellflowers, colorful zinnias — beautiful flowers come in all shapes and sizes and can truly transform an outdoor area.
Whether you have a small yard or a large one, garden beds full of your favorite flowers are a nice touch. The flower bed ideas we’re about to share are easy to incorporate and make your own to fit your space.
But before we share our pretty flower bed ideas, let’s cover some useful tips that’ll help you plant a successful flower bed.
Tips for a Successful Flower Bed
Before you start planting a garden bed, there are a few things you should do to set yourself (and your garden) up for success:
- First, turn over the soil to ensure it’s in the best possible condition! To do this, dig and shake up the top few inches of soil. Then, add fertilizer to it. This will aerate the soil, clear it of weeds, improve the drainage while adding nutrients.
- Next up, it’s time to start planning! A little bit of preparation can go a long way when it comes to creating the perfect flower bed. Before you start planting, research what will thrive in your conditions. Find out what is native to your location, what plants need direct sunlight versus some shade and think about what colors you’d like to incorporate.
- Now onto the fun stuff! It’s time to think about the flower bed design. Our top tip is to remember to layer! Put tall plants in the back, mid-height plants in the middle and low ground cover in the front to create a full look.
- You also need to remember to take seaonality into consideration. Think about the bloom times for the flowers you are planting so you can have visual interest all year round. Incorporate a mix of perennial plants as well as annuals. And your evergreens are important for some green in the deep winter.
- Once your flower beds are planted, regular maintenance will ensure they thrive. Use mulch, which will help plant roots retain water and deter weeds, weed your garden and water as needed.
Now that we’ve shared our top tips, here are some flower bed ideas to consider.
Pollinator Flower Bed
Wildlife lovers should consider a pollinator flower bed. What’s more fun than creating a beautiful flower bed that will attract wildlife?
Before you get started, think about what you want fauna you want to attract, such as butterflies, bees or songbirds, and then do some research on what plants attract these critters and what is native to your area.
If you want to attract butterflies, for example, try planting cornflower. Hummingbirds, on the other hand, love salvia.



















