Garden decoration plays an essential role in the layout of the garden, where it brings harmony, originality and sometimes romanticism. What are the garden trends? Their characteristics? E-landscapes, an online landscape creation tool, highlights the strengths of successful exterior decorating.
There is something magical about creating a green space where plants and flowers thrive. It takes time, but the end result is well worth the effort.
WHY DO PLANTS TAKE SO LONG TO GROW? Plants take time to grow because they need to create new stems, leaves, and roots. All of this requires a lot of energy and nutrients. When planted, plants are often small and weak, so patience is required to see them grow. Perennials reach adulthood in 1-2 years, while shrubs take 5-6 years.
Therefore, plant selection is essential for garden decoration. The faster the plant grows, the more quickly the final visual of the flowerbeds will be achieved. In addition to planting and landscaping, the solution is garden decoration.
QUICKLY IMPROVE YOUR GARDEN’S APPEARANCE WITH DECORATION A trick exists to overcome the years of waiting: garden decoration. Yes, in addition to planting, adding garden decorations can create an aesthetic visual from the very beginning of the garden’s creation.
Here are some tips for decorating your garden to make it as beautiful as possible.
CREATE FOCAL POINTS THAT DRAW THE EYE In the garden, just like in the house, there are strategic places where certain elements should be positioned to attract the eye and create an aesthetic effect. Here are some tips to achieve this. First, think about the view you have of your garden from inside your house. This is often what you see first and sets the tone for the rest of the garden. Therefore, choose carefully what you want to highlight in that area.
During pedestrian movement in the garden, it is essential to direct the eye towards different areas of the outdoor landscaping. Adding a regular focal point is ideal, either a decorative element, a remarkable tree, or a perspective…
WATER AS A GARDEN DECORATION ELEMENT Sometimes a murmur, sometimes a mirror, water soothes and becomes a source of well-being in the garden. Here are four examples of garden decorations to combine the useful and the pleasant.
FOUNTAINS, WATER GAMES There is no need to demonstrate that the murmur of water has become a stress-relieving remedy in recent times. In addition to this calming function, water can also mitigate unwanted sounds in the garden. Noises emitted by the proximity of a road or a turbine hum are immediately softened by the use of a garden fountain. Whether it is wall-mounted or central, closed-circuit or not, and even if the need is purely utilitarian, there is nothing to prevent choosing a decorative fountain.
Wall fountains are often associated with the garden terrace, near the house. Therefore, it is important to choose the fountain style based on the house style. For example, a stone fountain is ideal for a rustic, Mediterranean, or authentic ambiance.
Isolated fountains should be integrated into the vegetation; this position highlights them. Alternatively, they can be placed in the center of a pedestrian pathway to visually support the path.












