Apart from the functions of supplying water and majestically dominating a town square, the fountain was a masterpiece of art in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The splendor of these creations of ancient sculptors still provokes the admiring glances of contemporaries. This is why the decorative garden fountain is an obligatory part of the layout of the garden and the patio. Of course, in a minimal format but always with the idea of bringing freshness and serenity.

Types of fountain garden decoration
First, depending on the size of your garden, you choose the type of fountain: wall-mounted, central, stone or cast iron, free-standing or masonry. Fountain as an aquatic wall

Wall FountainIf you have a small space, the solution is a wall fountain for the following reasons: land saving, domestic or pet animals and small children. As a precaution, it is better to glue the fountain to the wall. Since it is composed of two basins: at the bottom and at the top, its position is preferable to the angle. The working principle of a fountain is simple: one part pours the water and the other part collects and recycles it. For this reason, the upper part is decorative. For example, lion or angel head, fish or decorative beak, are the most popular proposals for fountain garden decoration.
Relaxation area in the shade of birches












