Flowers for the garden are a beautiful decoration, without which most gardeners and enthusiasts cannot do. Roses in different colors, which warm with their beauty and grace. There is a great variety of flowers for the garden for every season. In spring, when everything blooms in the garden, you can find hyacinths in purple, pink, and white. Also, the yellow daffodils, which are like sun in the yard. Tulips in various colors usually show up in May, but it’s possible to see them earlier, depending on the region and of course – on the weather. When the winter is warmer, these spring flowers can bloom earlier. Shortly after the tulips come the fragrant peonies, which are planted as early as the previous autumn. They are very beautiful in their pink shades, but they can also be white. The preparation for the spring garden begins as early as autumn, when most seeds and bulbs are planted.

As a jewel in a flower garden, you can also sow blue flowers. Extremely beautiful, they undoubtedly attract the eye. Such are clematis, blue star, asters, grape hyacinth, delphinium, blue hydrangea, perennial, coneflowers, etc. You will have something different and extravagant in your flower garden. In nature, blue flowers are less common, for example, than pink or white. This is what makes them an ornament for a yard.

Flowers can also be planted between the joints of a stone garden path. To do this, choose a small size of color and visit them to taste to get this effect in the photo above. You can bet on small daisies in white – a great choice for such an idea. You will have an interesting path with grass, flowers and stones.

Roses are an essential part of most flower gardens. It’s no coincidence that they are called the “queen of flowers.” They are fragrant and possess grace and refinement. You can create a similar place in your garden, as shown in the picture. You will need to build a similar pergola, planting climbing roses at the base – either in one color, but also in two colors – for example, one in white and the other in the desired color. The only problem is that it will take some time for the roses to grow and reach up to cover the entire pergola. Add a bench below to admire your garden and relax in nature. Check out our other ideas for beautiful flower gardens, where you can find a new way to position flowers in your garden.














