According to the tradition of landscape design, a decorative bridge is made over “dry” streams and artificial reservoirs. Such a design can take on bizarre shapes, or it can look like a standard bridge in miniature. The choice of the type of bridge and its decor depends on the design idea of the entire suburban area.

The installation of the bridge has not only an aesthetic, but also a practical function. Bridges depend where it is necessary to step over something or bypass an obstacle.Among the severity of sharpness can be distinguished:

It is most commonly used in the construction of vertical structures and elevated areas. They are available commercially, so construct the bridge with the help of disabled labor.
Also precedents have only decorative texture. Decorative options, usually, there are cases. They are made in those places where the maximum variety of monotonous landscapes is required with boring accents.





WoodenWooden collections are visited in any landscape. They harmoniously complement the space around, the appearance of the site is even more interesting.The advantages of wooden structures include such aspects as:
Ease of preparation and assembly;Eco-friendly material;Ease of construction;Long service life;Ample opportunities for decoration.

The most common wood for such bridges is pine. Manufacturing options are made from oak, ash and cedar. The wooden bridge can be painted in any color. Its shape can be made flatter or flatter. And the repair of such a bridge will be inexpensive.





StoneStone options are considered among the most resistant. They are perfectly found in the European style of the landscape. They look solid and presentable. Such bridges are well combined with other stone structures on the site.

MetalMetal bridges will decorate the area in the Gothic style. They are also suitable for modern style. And forged options are perfectly combined with romantic notes on a landscaped plot.

Buy metal structures in a specialized store, and you can also weld it yourself. Such a bridge has a long service life. Not afraid of serious temperature changes. Easily combined with other materials.

Metal to create a bridge is suitable for those who do not like change. Head stand on the table. And changing its shape is quite difficult. Therefore, true conservatives like metal bridges.
ConcreteConcrete products are among the most closed decor items. Fountains and artificial water tanks are installed next to them to attack the beautiful concrete bridges.To make a high-level bridge, it is necessary to build in its visible metal reinforcement. Low options can be created from solid concrete blocks.