Rescued a puppy that was аЬᴜѕed and аЬапdoпed in a river. I still can’t stop crying

The case of a high school teacher in Chiba Prefecture burying a kitten alive must surely be heartbreaking for many people. It’s been very tragic, but the sad reality is that there are many other animals that are cruelly treated by humans.




For example, the puppy introduced this time was also abused and thrown into the river about 10 meters below. Luckily, the puppy was rescued and protected. And now, a video showing the process of how the puppy was rescued and how it grows has been released.

Translation of the title: “Rescue the Abused Puppy! Brave Dog Gets Saved from the River in Heartwarming Video”

The video titled “A brave little dog gets rescued from the river” starts with a scene of a car driving. It was filmed by the US animal welfare organization “Hope For Paws.” They received a report that a puppy had been abandoned in the river and rushed to rescue it. According to eyewitnesses, the puppy had been abused and thrown into the river from a height of about 10 meters, unable to move for two days.

As the camera arrives at the scene, there it is! The puppy is there!! It took refuge in a spot without water and seems to be safe, but its appearance is tattered and worn. Even from a distance, you can see its hair falling out in patches, and its body trembling.

The rescue team quickly lowers a ladder into the river and approaches the puppy. Despite humans approaching, the puppy remains still. The staff’s large hand gently strokes the puppy’s head, silently relieved that it doesn’t try to escape.

However, when the puppy is touched, it emits painful cries, especially from its left hind leg, which has been amputated. They immediately rush to the hospital, escaping from the river. As the puppy gets into the car, the video captures the wound where the hind leg was severed, a sight so agonizing that one instinctively wants to look away.

Living is a miracle considering the dangerous state the puppy is in. After arriving at the animal hospital, the puppy named Jordan undergoes a thorough examination by a veterinarian. The vet states that it’s miraculous for Jordan to be alive in this condition.

In addition to injuries, it is discovered that Jordan is suffering from mange and bacterial infections, as well as malnutrition. However, thanks to appropriate treatment and attentive care, Jordan gradually starts to recover.

On the fourth day after the rescue, when Jordan’s strength has sufficiently returned, surgery is performed to address the amputation of the hind leg. The surgery is a great success. After a few days of rest, Jordan is taken in by Lisa Kiarelli’s home.

From here on, you can watch the video without worrying too much. That’s because it captures Jordan’s lively and carefree life in Lisa Kiarelli’s home. Jordan, with three legs, happily hopping around. Jordan getting along with the resident dog. Jordan undergoing rehabilitation. Jordan swimming in the pool… It’s impossible not to feel relieved and say, “That’s good.”

However, for some reason, watching Jordan in such a relaxed state also brings a tinge of sadness. It may be because thoughts like, “Jordan went through something really horrible…” unexpectedly cross your mind. But he’s fine now! There’s no need to worry.

“Abuse” is dark and terrifying. While protecting vulnerable humans and animals who become victims, it is also necessary to ponder why the perpetrators become consumed by “abuse.”