How to decorate a garden with stones: 15 infallible ideas

Do you want to decorate your garden with stones and don’t know how to do it? We give you 10 infallible ideas

Natural stone is one of the most powerful decorative elements available to landscapers and gardeners today. So much so that it is increasingly common to see gardens in which the grass has been replaced by a base of decorative stones and many others in which stone occupies a predominant place.


Its use has spread in recent years to become an indispensable part of garden decoration. And its popularity has flourished for three reasons: its indisputable aesthetic capacity, its great resistance and conservation over time and its little or no maintenance.

Knowing all this, we are not surprised that you want to decorate your garden with stones. To help you in this task, we are going to propose 10 different ideas and we are going to tell you what types of stones to use so that your project ends successfully.

10 ideas to decorate a garden with stones

To design a decoration similar to that of this garden, you will need black and crushed red pebble. To prevent the stones of both colors from mixing, we recommend that you use a separate veneer, as in the photo. Lastly, you are going to need steps to create the stone path. A good option is the Extra Cervantes slab that we propose below.

Recommendation: Give it an extra touch by adding two or three large bowls or pebbles.

To carry out this garden with stones you will need special pebble gravel and black pebble. Also, to create a geometric composition with small tiles you have to use cut black slate, which is designed for floors, is very resistant and does not get damaged by foot traffic.

This garden with stones is very simple. To replicate it you just need Snowy Gray and Imperial Black shredded. Of course, you must previously mix the stones to have a uniform tone like the one in the image.

To make this composition you can use black boulder, crushed slate or Granada boulder. All three options will give you the perfect deep black shade.

You can accompany the design with floor steps. Our proposal is this Istanbul slab that will give a plus of color to the garden.

To replicate the lateral spaces you will need crushed slate and for the central area, crushed snowy gray and a passage of slate or aged limestone flooring.

The key to this design is to create a white crushed space delimited by an irregular row of large stones (we recommend using pebbles). You can give it a little more volume with some white boluses distributed on the crushed base.

Este diseño está compuesto por una zona de canto rodado negro y otra de triturado blanco. Al tratarse de dos colores tan diferentes, es importante que delimites ambas zonas con un separador. Si quieres conseguir un resultado igual al de la imagen, debes hacerlo con acero corten. Y para un acabado muy similar y mucho más económico, puedes hacerlo con chapa con efecto oxidado.

To make a design similar to the one in the photo, white crushed requirements are required. With it you will get the main base of the design. You can decorate the surface by combining some large stones. We are necessary to use rocks like the ones we leave you below

This design is dominated by black pebble and red crushed, alternating with rows of floor tiles. In addition, in the central area they have placed decorative spheres, but the result is much more spectacular if you do it with natural stone spheres.

You can achieve this garden using white crushed or rolled edge. The standing stones are slate monoliths, although you can use any type of natural stone monoliths.