There are 4 puppies in the tгаѕһ! The true story of “The 4 Warriors”

We may never have thought of running into a similar situation, but finding 4 abandoned dogs in a dumpster could happen to anyone.

And it is precisely in that situation that Ester, our friend from “Perros con Historia” and collaborator of our blog, found herself.

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your enormous generosity because thanks to your integrity, your effort, your sacrifice and your responsibility, these puppies are alive today and enjoy enviable health. Here we share with all of you his tremendous story:

May 9. I’m taking a nap and I instinctively open one eye, to then look at my phone: “Ester, there are some puppies inside the garbage container.”

I get up with a start and stay for a few seconds on the edge of the sofa trying to calm my heart.

I get dressed, put on a cap and walk towards the dumpster. I open the lid and discover four puppies inside, along with the only garbage bag that was inside. I get confused because I can’t move the container, I can’t leave the lid open either because I had nothing on hand to hold it and I can’t get inside either because I would get trapped without being able to get the puppies out.

¡Hay 4 cachorros en la basura! La historia real de "Los 4 Guerreros"

Believe it or not, all this happens in a fraction of a second until I have to call my partner to come help me.

After looking for a wooden stump to act as a step, I was able to get inside the container while he held the lid and thus, be able to get the puppies into a box.

Once at home, the exams to verify that there are no injuries, blows or bruises and that everyone was in perfect condition.

One of my best friends comes to my call. She brings us powdered milk for infants and pads and helps us give them a bath, dry them quickly and stimulate them to relieve themselves.

¡Hay 4 cachorros en la basura! La historia real de "Los 4 Guerreros"

It is at that moment when your mind takes an amazing speed of thought and goes to twenty thousand revolutions. How am I going to have four puppies at home if I already have two dogs? Who will be able to help me find them a foster home, a family, a home?

Many unanswered questions, of which two are tattooed on your mind: Time and money.

The time they will be in your house is unknown if there is no one to help you, so that time can be indefinite… And on the other hand the money, yes, blessed “Mr. Money”; which translates into taking you to the vet, providing them with food, some possible residence…

¡Hay 4 cachorros en la basura! La historia real de "Los 4 Guerreros"

The first thing you do is take the most beautiful photos you can to spread them on your social networks, pass them on to all your contacts and write to all the associations and protectors that prevent you from exposing your case, like that of hundreds of other people.

For an individual, the situation becomes quite frustrating because you have to knock on many, many doors until a window opens and, to be honest, sometimes not even that…

I have to thank each and every one of the people who shared the photographs because they made me reach many more people. Thank all the people who contributed their grain of sand so that I could buy basic necessities such as wipes, soakers, powdered milk and even feeders. I don’t want to forget the selfless help of our veterinarian Carmen Albéndiz from the D’Qi Veritary Center and of course Mediterranean Natural for the food care of the puppies when they came to eat on their own.

¡Hay 4 cachorros en la basura! La historia real de "Los 4 Guerreros"

Today I can tell you that these warriors, as I call them, will leave for Madrid at the beginning of July. I have high hopes that they will soon be adopted.

I have to admit that it has not been easy. Having four puppies gives a terrible job, in terms of cleaning and feeding the first weeks; but, on the other hand, he learns that when the litters are separated from both their brothers and their mothers, they lose a very important and essential part of their learning: how they groom each other, stimulate each other, play, keep warm and learn many things. guidelines, that alone, without a human to teach them well, they would lose.

All this that I am telling you would not have happened nor would it happen again if we humans were more responsible and had efficient laws for the protection of animals.

The possession of a living being entails a contract that is morally signed between you and that animal for life; If you are not willing to commit, do not have animals because it may be that someone, like me, is involved in a case like this.

“The fact that we throw a stone into the water causing it to disappear when it sinks does not mean that the waves we have generated do not affect another person”

I would love to be able to show you next time the beautiful families that have adopted my warriors. But that will be another story.