55 Sharp New Nails Designs: Edgy and Stylish Nail Art Ideas

Certainly! I can help you come up with a new sharp nails design. Here’s an edgy and stylish design idea:

Design: Geometric Minimalism


  • Base coat
  • Black nail polish
  • Silver nail polish
  • Nail striping tape
  • Clear top coat


  1. Start by applying a base coat to protect your nails and help the polish last longer. Allow it to dry completely.
  2. Apply two coats of black nail polish to all of your nails. Let each coat dry before applying the next one. This will create a solid black base.
  3. Once the black polish is completely dry, take the nail striping tape and create sharp geometric lines on each nail. You can experiment with different angles and shapes to create an edgy look. Press down the tape firmly to ensure clean lines.
  4. Next, apply a coat of silver nail polish over the exposed areas of your nails. Be careful not to paint over the tape. The silver polish will create a striking contrast against the black base.
  5. While the silver polish is still wet, carefully remove the striping tape to reveal the sharp geometric lines. Peel it off slowly and gently to avoid smudging the design.
  6. Allow the silver polish to dry completely. You can use a blow dryer on a cool setting to speed up the process.
  7. Finally, apply a clear top coat to seal in the design and add a glossy finish. This will also help protect your nails and make the manicure last longer.

There you have it! A new sharp nails design with a geometric minimalist twist. Remember to take your time and be patient throughout the process to achieve the best results. Enjoy your stylish and edgy nails!

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