Story of Survival: Elderly Dog with Bone Cancer Endures іпһᴜmапe Conditions in the Backyard of an Intoxicated іпdіⱱіdᴜаɩ

On September 22nd, GWARP received a report that an elderly dog was chained up and denied food and water despite being very sick. Despite working in animal rescue for many years, GWARP had never seen anything like this before.

The dog appears to be suffering from bone cancer but has never received treatment, and has been living on a short chain for many years, subsisting on scraps and trash. As a result of the lack of proper nutrition and vitamins, it has developed osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer.The veterinarian indicated that this type of cancer is typically caused by significant trauma, and the infection manifests as a tumor. Unfortunately, this is accurate, as the person who reported this witnessed the dog’s intoxicated owner brutally beating it. The dog was kept tied up and hidden in the backyard for years. It couldn’t move more than two feet due to the short metal chain.

However, when the GWARP rescue team requested to save the dog, the owner refused, claiming that they couldn’t remove “their property.”

As a result, they sought assistance from the local police. “When we left and went to talk to the police, the dog was almost whimpering. After a few hours, we were able to provide the owner with the proper documentation and change their mind. They said we couldn’t take the dog unless we reported them.”

“We agreed as the unfortunate dog needed immediate medical checks and blood tests. Our boy also requires immediate amputation, with tissue samples sent for histology. There is a long road ahead.”
X-rays reveal osteosarcoma, a severe type of bone cancer. Fortunately, there are no metastases in his white lung, indicating that he has few chances of survival. However, the tumor is rapidly spreading, and the skin is starting to tear due to its rapid growth. It is growing day by day.

Jordan received a long bath to wash away his sad past and the negative energy from his previous owner.

“The terrible news is that nothing can be done for Jordan in Azerbaijan; he needs to improve a bit to move to Turkey. His travel date will be in a few days.”

Jordan arrived in Istanbul and was briefly sedated so that full-body X-rays could be taken before the surgery.

Jordan’s amputation surgery is complete, and his tumor-filled limb is no longer present. Everything went perfectly.