We want to change the fate of stray dogs on the street to be different. We cannot remain silent about the bitter life that happened to them. Previously, very few people stepped in to help these poor animals.
In Taiwan, there is an organization called Animal Shelter, whose members are independent volunteers. Even though they don’t get support from the government, their commitment and love for dogs is so strong that they can still help abandoned dogs with their compassion.

Lebih dari sebulan yang lalu, mereka diberi tahu tentang seekor anjing yang tergeletak di pinggir jalan. Dan meskipun mereka telah diberitahu tentang kondisi anak anjing tersebut, tidak ada yang bisa menghentikan mereka untuk menemui anjing tersebut

Pada hari itu, anjing malang tersebut terlihat tak berdaya di tengah hujan dan hampir tak bergerak, ditutupi dengan payung yang ditinggalkan oleh salah satu penduduk untuk melindunginya dari hujan. Mereka juga meninggalkan beberapa makanan untuknya.

While it would be nice if everyone who saw the dog rescued it immediately, at least a few people were helping it as best they could, and that was already showing signs of their love for the little creature.
When the volunteer approached the dog, he saw the dog’s condition which completely broke his heart.

Kedua kaki anjing itu telah terpotong sebagian, salah satu dari kakinya benar-benar busuk, yang satunya lagi terlihat bengkak, dan penuh dengan belatung.
Ketika penyelamat ingin membelai dia untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan, ternyata itu tidak semudah yang ia bayangkan. Anjing tersebut terlihat takut dan menjadi agresif. Itu adalah caranya membela diri setelah begitu banyak penderitaan dan penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh manusia terhadap dirinya.

Volunteers must use a muzzle to prevent the dog from being bitten. And even though he tried to show her that he had come to help her, the dog still looked afraid of being hurt again.

After several attempts, he finally managed to pick her up and lay her lovingly and carefully in the back of the car.

Even so, this poor animal still could not believe it. He is seen still attacking the savior, not only because of the extreme physical pain he is feeling, but also because the human presence reminds him of the past trauma that caused him to suffer.

Akhirnya, dia dibawa ke dokter hewan dan sayangnya dokter berkata bahwa kaki Shanxin harus diamputasi untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya.

A few days after the complicated operation, Shanxin started to get better.

They put Shanxin in her cage and with infinite patience, her rescuers spent hours, slowly trying to get close to her to regain her trust.

They were moved because Shanxin never gave up. He fought so hard to survive.

After shanxin recovered, they got her a wheelchair, which will help her walk to start a loving life with other rescued dogs at the shelter.

And it didn’t take long for him to finally trust his savior. Now he lives his life happily even though he only has two legs.

He is happy where he is and they love him the way he is. His rescuers are very proud to know that their efforts have not been in vain.