A Tale of Unwavering Devotion: Dog’s Heartwarming Loyalty as It ɡᴜагdѕ Owner’s ɡгаⱱe for 10 Consecutive Days

For the past six years, a loyal and devoted dog has been keeping watch over his owner’s grave. Despite its owner’s passing, Capitan, a German shepherd, has remained committed to expressing his love and loyalty. It is believed that Capitan escaped following the death of his owner, Miguel Guzman, in 2006. The Guzman family eventually found the dog near Miguel’s resting place in central Argentina, where he has been guarding it ever since.

In 2005, Miguel Guzman adopted Capitan as a present for his son, Damian. Since then, the faithful dog has been keeping watch at Miguel’s burial site for over six years. According to the family, Capitan rarely leaves the property. When the canine went missing, they searched for him but assumed he died after being struck by a car. His widow, Veronica Guzman, shared the story with LaVoz.com.



The following Sunday, we revisited the cemetery and Damian immediately identified his beloved pet. Capitan ran towards us while barking and making distressing noises. Veronica revealed that they had never taken Capitan to the cemetery before, which added to the enigmatic situation. She pondered over the mystery of how Capitan managed to locate the cemetery.

Hector Baccega, who runs the cemetery, shared that he and his team have taken on the responsibility of looking after Capitan. The devoted dog made his way to the cemetery on his own and has been visiting his owner’s tomb ever since. Although he takes walks around the cemetery during the day, he always comes back to the grave and sleeps there every night at precisely six o’clock.

Despite numerous attempts by the Guzman family, Capitan has not been brought back home. Damian believes that Capitan will remain at the cemetery until the end of his time, as he believes that Capitan is taking care of his father.