Blue King’s teагѕ: A Moving Tale of Abandonment and Redemption

Although the title of this note raises anger and causes discomfort, knowing that there are people capable of hurting them in this way, the story of Blue King, abandoned in a shelter, has a happy ending.
Blue King is a pit bull that his family left at the Carson Shelter in California, and his new guardians noticed that the dog was crying in his cage, sensing the absence of his family. He didn’t want to eat and just kept crying and looking through the bars.

Blue’s old family moved out and gave him a shelter, where he had a good chance of being euthanized, but thanks to Saving Carson Shelter Dogs, Blue got a new home after volunteers posted a video of him on their Facebook page. Facebook, which Jennifer McKay saw, and therefore went to visit.

Blue King, the moving story of the dog that cried when abandoned

You could tell that every time someone passed by, it was as if they were looking for them. It’s as if he knew they had left him there.”

Jennifer wanted to adopt him immediately, but the shelter had to conduct a temperament test on him first, so she had to wait a little longer.

She returned a second time and brought him a bone and a new bed.



It took the shelter a week to take the temperament test, but they finally clicked and she was able to take him home.






This beautiful dog will never be sad again, because thanks to people with a huge heart, he has a new home.

If you are also interested in helping or adopting other dogs like Blue, don’t hesitate, look for him in a shelter. It is always a good time to lend a hand to another living being, like us.

You will see how comforting it will be when your pet looks at you with a “please, tell me again the story of the day you rescued me” face.