Yulin, a city in southern China, celebrates the summer solstice with a festival in which some 10,000 dogs are slaughtered and consumed.

This is Yang Xiayun, a 65-year-old retired teacher who wants to stop the dog killings in china However, not everyone in China supports these practices: 65-year-old Yang Xiaoyun, a retired teacher who runs an animal shelter, decided to travel more than 2,400 km and spend nearly €1,000 to rescue 100 of those dogs of certain death. In some parts of China, especially in the south, it is quite traditional to eat dog meat. This year, the Yulin festival has drawn the ire of the international community, which has used the hashtag #stopYulin2015 to condemn the festival. Several activists in China, including Xiaoyun, have also responded, accusing the festival organizers of torture and unnecessary cruelty. While public conversations about this controversial tradition continue in China, it’s great to see people like Xiaoyun taking action.

Every year, 10,000 dogs are eaten in the traditional Yulin festival.

Se acusa a los organizadores de crueldad innecesaria al cocinar a los perros.

Yang decidió viajar más de 2400 kms hasta Yulin y gastarse casi 1000 € parasalvar a 100 perros de ser sacrificados.











