ProjectsWe don’t always think of taking a plain rock and using it to decorate our yard and garden. Rocksare free so what better material to use when money is tight.We have so many ideas for creating fun yardscapes with rocks and stones to share with you.Stones and rocks are an affordable way to create a majestic yard and garden. You just needsome ideas to get you started and then the sky is the limit in what you can create. You cangather stones in your yard, at the beach, in the woods, at the park, or even purchase them.

For some of the rock garden projects we listed, you may need basic supplies like quick grout orquick cement to put in between the cracks but those items are fairly cheap to buy.

Some rock garden projects may require outdoor paint. Outdoor house paints or acrylic paintswork well for these rock garden projects. My favorite paint for outdoor projects is Rust-Oleum.It really projects outdoor projects against the elements and looks great with a sleek finish. Forkids, Spray Chalk paint is a good option.

Great family project!If you have kids you can get them involved in the fun of creating a colorful rock garden andremember, it’s a free project so it’s a win-win. Let them scavenge for rocks in your yard or take atrip to a park, go hiking and make it a family event. This could even be a summer project. Startby coming up with the one project you want to create, figure out how many rocks you will needto collect. When school is out for the summer, start your project by making a making a chart toshow what days you found the rocks on and where. It will make a fun record of your project andkeep the kids interested for the whole summer break. By the time summer is over you will havecollected rocks, painted rocks, and right before school starts again, you can assemble yourrocks into a fabulous rock flower garden.

These free rock flower garden projects will put you in your happy place. They are also easy andfun to create. Go all out and fill a space in your yard with color rocks, or take ordinary rocks andmake a design like a butterfly or a flower design.

Great family project!If you have kids you can get them involved in the fun of creating a colorful rock garden andremember, it’s a free project so it’s a win-win. Let them scavenge for rocks in your yard or take atrip to a park, go hiking and make it a family event. This could even be a summer project. Startby coming up with the one project you want to create, figure out how many rocks you will needto collect. When school is out for the summer, start your project by making a making a chart toshow what days you found the rocks on and where. It will make a fun record of your project andkeep the kids interested for the whole summer break. By the time summer is over you will havecollected rocks, painted rocks, and right before school starts again, you can assemble yourrocks into a fabulous rock flower garden.