Doubly Blessed: Teenage Sisters Deliver Babies on the Same Day, Bringing Joy to Their Proud Grandfather

They both live with their parents in Merseyside, England.

And both became mothers for the first time on the same day, within a few hours of each other, despite the presumed due date of both not being the same. What we haven’t told you yet is that Lily and Lauren are two teenage girls who got pregnant around the same time and gave birth to their babies on the same day. Little cousins share a birthday.

The presumed delivery dates actually had a difference of 12 days from each other. The first to go to the hospital was Lauren, who was due to give birth on March 23. She was admitted to Liverpool Women’s Hospital because she was now in labor. A few hours later, her sister Lily was also hospitalized in the same hospital. And they both eventually gave birth to their babies on the same day.

When the father of the two girls, Phillip Brennan, 47, who became the grandfather of his first grandchild on the same day, was joined by journalists intrigued by the strange twist of fate, here are his words: “I’m too happy. I am more than satisfied with this; I really am. I have wanted to be a grandfather for years, I smile like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.”

When he found out he was going to be a grandfather, despite his daughters’ young age, he always said he was over the moon about the news. And he supported his girls 100%, even though Lily was just 17 and had done everything to hide her interest in her.

“Lauren sat on the couch in tears when she told me, and I asked her why she was crying. These things happen. I was happy for her, and a few months later, I discovered our Lily, but she didn’t want to tell me. You have to support your children.”

Neither sister would have ever imagined that they would return home the same day with their babies in their arms. Lily came to the hospital just to support her sister, and instead, her water broke inside her!

Lily, a former pupil at Hillside High School, Bootle, gave birth to baby Jayden at 12:19 pm, and he weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces. And just five hours later, Lauren welcomed little Sophia, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, at 5:31 pm. Do you think that the girls’ mother, Karen Kennedy, had to split between two rooms in order to be able to assist both sisters, because Sophia was born just 5 hours after Jayden.

But now they are all happy at home and enjoying this double birth!