Enhance Your Garden’s Charm: 19 Exquisite сoгпeг Paving Ideas to Inspire You

Enhance the charm of your garden: 19 exquisite paving ideas to inspire you

Previously, before starting work, it is necessary to study many nuances and correctly plan all the stages of improvement. Only then can the main work begin.


It is previously recommended to carefully study the features of the free working area. For these purposes, it is better to hire experienced professionals who, using the latest modern technology, will help to make a non-standard site a perfectly flat surface. It is worth considering that your work will significantly “hit” the family budget.





But there is a more rational way – to turn all the shortcomings of the soil cover – hills, pits, lowlands – into interesting landscape projects. As an example: almost any hill rising on the site is perfectly transformed into a colorful modern alpine hill, and a low and shallow place will be an attractive and successful reservoir.

Naturalmente, la iluminación del área adyacente a la casa juega un papel importante en el diseño, ayudando al patio a jugar con diferentes colores, como se muestra en la foto de paisajismo del patio. Es sabio pensar en el juego de la luz artificial.

As a rule, garden paths are usually illuminated with the help of small inconspicuous lamps. Less commonly, there are lighting fixtures built into a pathway paved with decorative tiles.

The final stage is the direct planting of decorative crops, flowers, greenery and landscape design. The final result is very important, since it will affect the perception, aesthetics and even the mood of households and guests.

Designers and other specialists offer a large number of ideas on how to make the courtyard of a private house green, which is not at all difficult to do on your own:

Traditional lawns will give even the simplest plot a unique luxury. As a rule, it is used in addition to other design options, but even when it stands alone, the lawn has no less attractive decoration.


But keep in mind that lawns are more suitable for a vast and more spacious area. If the lawn will be used only for decoration, then you can take any mixture of herbs for planting. Often for hunting lawns it is necessary to choose seed varieties that can withstand heavy loads.

For a more complete and durable design of the site, decorative shrubs and trees should be planted, which will advantageously hide unpretentious outbuildings and divide the land into different zones, providing them with a cool shade.

When creating a landscaping project, it is necessary to take into account that in the future the trees will grow significantly and block the crown, so you should not plant them too close to buildings. Most often, preference is given to small conifers (thuja, pine, spruce) or decorative trees (viburnum bush, fragrant cherry, honeysuckle).



