For a long time, I had envisioned capturing a particular shot of a SpaceX launch, but various factorsneeded to align for it to become a reality. Fortunately, during the Crew 2 launch, all the elements fell intoplace. In this article, I will recount my experience of witnessing the awe-inspiring event from the IndianRiver in Florida. From the perfect foreground of sable palms on a small island to the companionship of mytrusty kayak and my brother’s hammock, every detail added to the remarkable spectacle. Join me as Ishare my adventure and invite you to explore prints of this captivating picture.






The SpaceX launch from the Indian River, Florida, was a sight to behold. The harmonious blend of naturalbeauty and human achievement created a transcendent experience. I am grateful for the alignment ofvarious factors that allowed me to capture this shot, which I had long envisioned. As the Falcon soaredtowards the heavens, it left an indelible mark on the canvas of the sky. Together, let us celebrate thetriumphs of SpaceX and continue to support the relentless pursuit of exploration and discovery in therealm of space. Go SpaceX! Go Dragon!