The Matute pooch has had a series of unfortunate events in the past. He would usually spend his days lounging and snoozing on the pavement, right in the center of the street. One day, a young individual came across him after he was hit by a vehicle in Campinas, So Paulo, Brazil.
Ever since the incidents took place in March 2022, the entire community, particularly the staff members of a nearby petrol station, have been incredibly helpful. Despite everything that has happened, he has remained working there and providing his assistance.
Matute showed impressive improvement during his recovery. As part of his first outfit, he was given a gas station uniform. Interestingly, the dog seems to be enjoying itself on social media, which has its own accounts. The gas station workers will be responsible for preparing all of Matute’s supplies.

.According to a post on Matute’s Instagram profile, some individuals might find the marks on his face scary. However, there is no need to worry since he no longer experiences any discomfort in the affected area, despite losing his hair due to his past life on the streets.