Frozen Heart: The Tragic Tale of a Abandoned Dog Bound to a Snowy Roadside Wall

The United States has been swept by a huge snowstorm this winter. In early March 2018, a puppy was found shivering on the side of the road in Detroit, Michigan. To his worry and outrage, the puppy was abandoned and chopped under a stop sign.


Dogs have collars and are trimmed. Obviously someone raised it and didn’t want it anymore, so they left it on the side of the road. But since it was tied to a stop sign, it was impossible for it to find a warm place to lie down. In such a cold day, it was filled with ice and snow streets after being trimmed. Even if the bees are in a ball, it can’t warm itself well.

The dog was quickly taken away from the shelter. Thanks to the kind passers-by, it saved a life from the storm. They named him Speckles, and now he is quietly waiting for a new owner in the shelter.


A while ago, the Chinese New Year was happening in China, and pets were abandoned as soon as the Chinese New Year came. Among them is a particularly excessive news event, many people have the impression that a cat was thrown to the side of the trash can together with the cage, but the door of the cage was locked, and the cat was still trapped in the cage.

What is the difference between such abandonment and murder? What kind of mood can the protagonist do this? They are all fresh lives, please be responsible for their lives if you keep pets!

Disclaimer: The text and video clips are purely original by “Cute Pet Fairy”, and the videos and pictures are from the Internet. The copyright of the video and picture belongs to the original author. If you have 50 rights, please send a private message. It is not easy to be original. Please indicate the source for reprinting.