If you are one of those who loves green and nature, this post is for you. The plants give an air of freshness and unique vitality; In addition, they reflect our personality and make the home a much more intimate and welcoming place. Do you love taking care of plants and gardening is anti-stress therapy? So here you will find new inspiration to give your garden a new face. Don’t have time or desire to dedicate yourself to plants, but do you like them? You will also surely find a design that suits you due to its low maintenance. Here we will give you great ideas, no matter the size of your garden, your budget or the amount of free time.

Starting a garden is one of the most rewarding things to do. Plant fragrant flowers or start a vegetable garden (or both!), and everyone can dig in from getting their hands a little dirty. But if you’re new to gardening, it can be hard to know where to start. Still, it doesn’t have to be complicated; When you break your project into manageable steps, you can garden at your own pace

And soon you will be rewarded for your efforts with beautiful views, delicious flavors and colorful flowers. These steps will help you start from scratch, but if you have something in particular in mind, you can also use a garden plan to guide your design.

should your garden throughout the day to determine which spots receive full sun versus partial or full shade. Don’t worry if most of your garden is shaded—you won’t be able to grow tomatoes in the shade, but many other plants will do just fine.

Check plant labels or ask the staff at your local garden center to help you understand how much sun a plant needs.

If possible, choose a relatively flat spot for your yard because a sloped yard is more difficult, time-consuming, and potentially more expensive to deal with. And make sure your new garden has easy access to a water source.

As your garden begins to grow, help it reach its full potential by keeping up with garden chores. Water the plants before they wither. Pull up weeds before they go to seed.

Get rid of dead, dying and diseased vegetation. Kill destructive insects by removing them from the plant and placing them in a bucket of soapy water, hosing them off, or spraying them with an insecticidal soap purchased at a garden center. Support tall plants (such as tomatoes) with a trellis.

1. Take advantage of the sun
The first thing you have to see when it comes to a good garden design is how the sunlight will affect it. Which areas will be the most illuminated, and at what time of day will they be most exposed. Based on this, define the place where you will put the plants.
Species with flowers tend to get along very well with the sun. And if you have to put them all together to receive their rays, don’t worry, they will be beautiful with a good design

2. Intimate and Cozy Garden

If you have a small space, take advantage of all the edges to fill them with plants. That wall that used to look like a prison can now be a great green curtain that makes you feel embraced by nature. Most vines grow very fast and keep up well.

3. The Advantage of Pots

Maybe you live in a rented place or you are one of those who enjoys constantly renewing the decoration. So design your garden with plants of various shapes and sizes inside cute pots.
If you move, you can take them with you and if not, you can redistribute them and have a new garden each season.

4. Summer Flowers

Summer brings us heat and color. Take advantage of it by buying small flower plants. They are cheap, so when the summer passes, you can easily replace them with other stronger species

5. Plants that Change Color

If you want a garden renewed in each season and without having to lift a finger, then plant these conifers that change from green and bluish to orange and reddish depending on whether it is summer or winter. Beautiful!

6. Beautiful roads

The paths serve to delimit spaces and allow to walk through the garden. You can do this with gravel, stone, clay tiles, grass, or wood.

To enhance the beauty of this path, you can place plants on each side of the path, like the photograph that you can see below with the lavenders in bloom. Notice that it enhances the beauty of the stones, which looks like a space from a story.

In this other photograph you will be able to see a path made with wooden circles of different sizes, where you can also see the grain of the wood and that looks great with the green color of the plants. With this option you can get a very rural road.

7. Gardens in Little Space

No tienes que tener un gran jardín para ponerle dedicación y empeño a su diseño. Por el contrario, si tienes un espacio pequeño, estudia todas las posibilidades para sacarle el mayor provecho y disfrutarlo al máximo.

Cacti and succulents are the most faithful, adaptable and long-lasting plants. They can survive with very little water and adapt to any climate.
In addition, now there are many varieties that you can play with to have a mini garden that does not give you any work and that makes you happy all year round.

The best thing about this type of plants is that you can use them both in the ground and in a pot, the quality of the soil does not matter because they are very resistant and immediately hook into the soil. At the same time, they look great combining cacti and succulents due to their two heights, which implies that they visually generate a beautiful image, as you can see in these photos.

9. Cactus and Stones: A Test of Everything
This option is ideal for very severe climates, such as inclement summers or extreme winters. Also if your garden lacks shadows or if you have a low budget.

10.- Protagonist TreesDo you have large trees already planted that prevent you from a good garden design? Well, I must tell you that everything is a matter of creativity. Take advantage of the shade that they offer you, give prominence to the oldest in the garden and that they are not an impediment to do what you want.

11. Vertical Gardens

These novel systems have their advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it allows the walls to be filled with green with something other than ivy, but on the other, they can generate humidity “on the other side of the wall”. One solution is to build vertical planters.
In this case, place the plants that require more water on top; the rest will be irrigated by the decantation of the first

If you don’t have a lot of space to make a vertical garden or you want to opt for a cheaper vertical garden, you can create your own vertical garden with pallets. In this type of garden they can include aromatic plants, succulents, cacti or all the ones that you like the most.

12. Clean and minimalistIt is the trend now. The ornate gardens are history. Now, a large carpet of grass and your favorite plant are enough to achieve a clean and relaxing environment.

13. A Grass and Gravel Board

A good garden design does not require a huge investment, but originality. This gravel and grass checkerboard saves on costs and maintenance. Combine the colors of the pot to achieve the effect of a large checkerboard.


15. Super Modern Garden

16. For what and for whom

17. A garden for social events

18. For the Boys

19. Simple and Creative Ideas