Hércules: The Argentine Dog who Defied Dehydration and Scabies

A dog abandoned on the streets of Argentina had severe malnutrition, was dehydrated and had extreme scabies. A woman took him home to recover and named him Hercules, because of his fighting spirit.

Mexico City, March 28 (LaOpinión/SinEmbargo).- “If we leave it here, this puppy will die,” she told her friend as she wiped away her tears and mentally organized herself to assist the animal that was lying in front of her and he looked at her with the last breath of life. It was Christmas Eve 2017 and Pía Lozano had traveled by car to Pilar, in Argentina, to visit some friends. He was encouraged to ask where the dog that roamed the area was and that they had told him about that day. Without success, many had tried to help and something inside told him that he had to see it with his own eyes.

For Pía, it was quite a challenge. She had always cared for and rehabilitated cats of all ages, but she had never done it with a dog before. ‘When we arrived home, the first thing I did was bathe him. The abandonment of this little dog was so heartbreaking that I couldn’t stop crying, thinking about how nobody had helped him before. The first few days were extremely tough. I had to feed him every two hours, hand-feeding him and changing the bedding because he was so weak that he had stopped walking and was doing his business on the floor,’ recalls Pía, a member of Bicho Feliz, a Civil Association that helps street animals with the aim of providing them shelter and rehabilitating them for responsible adoption.”


When Hercules had the high, it didn’t take long for him to adopt his own routines with Pia. She walks three times a day, plays with the kittens that she has in transit, on weekends she goes to the square. “Now he is impeccable, he already has his first vaccinations and we are waiting a few weeks for his castration.”