Homeless Kittens Find Family in Each Other: An Endearing Tale of Unlikely Friendship and the рoweг of Connection

In Montreal, Canada, a child found a newborn kitten on the street alone and brought it to a nearby shelter. The staff at the shelter recognized that the kitten needed urgent care and contacted their friends at Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a local animal rights organization. Animal rights activist Selin Krom noted that the kitten was weak, malnourished, and had yet to fully develop its eyes. Fortunately, volunteer Milena took the kitten in and began feeding it every hour. The kitten seemed to enjoy being cared for as it eagerly drank from the bottle held by its new “mother.”

Right from the start, Lou had a strong sense of survival. She would cry every hour, asking for food until she was fully satisfied. And thanks to that, she was steadily putting on weight every day. Although Lou benefited from her overexposure, she still longed for a companion to play and cuddle with. Whenever she spotted local cats, she would try to flirt with each one in hopes of finding a permanent partner.

Towards the conclusion of that very month, a litter of four adorable kittens was discovered and rescued by the kind-hearted individuals. Unfortunately, their poor health condition was visible due to multiple illnesses. The rescuers were initially anxious about the survival of the kittens as the antibiotics did not show immediate effects. However, with proper care and attention, the little ones managed to recover and eventually were able to eat on their own.Cherry, one of the kittens, had to fight various eye infections, but her recovery was attributed to the love and care showered upon her by her guardians. Thanks to them, Cherry regained her eyesight and flourished in general.



After realizing that Lou would thrive with companionship from her own kind, others introduced her to different kittens. However, Lou formed a special connection with Cherry and they quickly became inseparable. Within just 24 hours of meeting, the two were already following each other everywhere they went. They even started doing everything together, like napping, grooming, and playing. Selin, who witnessed their friendship firsthand, noted how strong and unique their bond was.

Lou was overjoyed for her little sister and didn’t leave her side, always trying to stay close to her. They had matching stripes and quickly became best friends within a day. “Lou and Cherry are absolutely adorable together. Their personalities are different but they balance each other out perfectly.”

The spotted feline is a bundle of happiness and entertainment. Always inquisitive, she takes delight in exploring her surroundings and seeking out new escapades. According to Celine, the foster parent, the kitty has a habit of jumping into her lap when she wants to be cuddled, before returning to her buddy’s side.

Despite the objections of her tiniest offspring, Cherry has taken on the responsibility of being Lou’s older sister and ensures that she is always well-groomed. Whenever Lou calls out, the striped darling comes running to tend to her younger sibling. Vishenka has a small, fuzzy patch on her eye due to inflammation, but it doesn’t seem to bother her and she can still see perfectly fine.

The little feline friends share a sweet bond, always making sure they stick together and never losing sight of each other. In fact, they waste no time in searching for each other if they happen to get separated.

According to Celine, the bond between them is so strong that they cannot be apart. They are currently on the lookout for a two-bedroom apartment.

Here’s the story of how two adorable kittens met each other while in foster care and formed an unbreakable sisterly bond.