Introducing Ruby: The Heartwarming Tale of a Doberman Pinscher Mama Nurturing an аЬапdoпed Kitten with Love and Care

Last month, Ruby gave birth to a litter of six adorable puppies. However, what made this story even more heartwarming was the fact that she also took in an abandoned kitten and nursed it as if it were one of her own. Brittany Callan from Geneseo is the happy owner of six Dobermans, including Ruby, who is four-and-a-half years old and had recently given birth to six cute puppies.

Brittany’s initial litter of six kittens has now grown to seven, as she stumbled upon a newborn kitten while cleaning her aunt’s gutters. The kitten appeared to have been abandoned by its mother, and Brittany and her cousin, Nicole Gibbs, kept an eye out for the mother’s return. However, they decided to bring the kitten inside when they heard coyotes nearby. Nicole lovingly named the kitten Ramblin’ Rose in honor of her late father’s favorite tune. Ramblin’ Rose was extremely tiny and still had a dried umbilical cord attached, suggesting that she was just a few days old.

To survive, newborns require milk. In this instance, Ruby, who was still breastfeeding her one-week-old puppies that had not yet opened their eyes, was living right next door. Brittany decided to introduce the two animals. Initially, Brittany held the kitten in her hands and allowed Ruby to smell it. This went smoothly. Then, Brittany placed the kitten down and connected it to Ruby’s nipple for nursing. The kitten began suckling, and Ruby returned her head to its position as if nothing had happened. Since then, Ruby has become fixated with the kitten, carrying it around the house and caring for it more than her puppies.

Ruby has the option to keep nursing the kitten for an additional three to four weeks but to ensure the kitten receives sufficient nutrients, Brittany has introduced kitten formula from Tractor Supply. Even though Ruby is fond of the kitten, Brittany doesn’t intend to keep Ramblin’ Rose due to her other Dobermans not sharing the same affection towards felines. Additionally, a husky-shepherd mix owned by Brittany dislikes cats, so a relative will be adopting Ramblin’ Rose.