Izz?, with h?? ??s?l?t?l? ?????ct ?x???ssi?ns ?n? c?t? ??c?, c?n ?v?n c?m??t? with h?? sist?? Z?ë, wh? is ??in? ???is?? ??? h?? n?t???l ?????ct h???t-sh???? m??kin? ?n th? ch?st.

Whil? Z?ë ?????ht ? ???? ???ti?n ?? th? ??ns ?n th? tw? kitt?’s j?int Inst????m ?cc??nt, Izz? h?s n?w m?n???? t? ??c?m? v??? ????l?? ??? h?? ?x???ssi?ns ?s w?ll. n?w, Izz? ??ts ?s m?ch ???is? ?s Z?ë ??ts ??? h?? m??kin?. Izz?, ?n th? ?th?? h?n?, ???sn’t h?v? ? ?????ctl? h???t-sh???? m??kin? ??t h?? ?x???ssi?ns h?s w?n m?n? h???ts. B?t ?? c???s?, l??ks c??t?inl? ???n’t ?v???thin?!
N? ?n? c?n s??m t? k??? th?ms?lv?s ???m ????in? this ?i?-???? kitt? with ? ?????ctl? s?mm?t?ic?l ??c?. Sh? ?lw??s m?n???s t? ?x???ss h??s?l? th????h h?? ???tt? ??ci?l ?x???ssi?ns,
Ch?ck h?? ??t ??? ????s?l?!