Footage taken on June 25 in the village of Ambau Indah in the southern island of Sulawesi shows a man named Usman, along with his son, risking the life of a giant crocodile with just one rope.



People tried to capture the animal alive and hand it over to the authorities.
Speaking to Reuters, Usman said the dangerous predator – up to 4.3m long – had been roaming the area for at least two days, scaring villagers.
“If we don’t do anything, the crocodile will go further inland and the villagers will not dare to work in the fields,” said the 53-year-old man. “There is also a system of water channels around the roads, where the locals fish. It would be dangerous if it got into the canals. I had to take a chance to catch it.”
In the past, there have been many crocodile attacks in the area, so everyone in Ambau Indah village praised Usman’s brave act.
“What Usman has done is appreciated by the community. Some even consider him a hero, because it saved many people who could have become victims,” Umar Siddiq Al Farizi, a local resident, said.

Crocodiles are species of the family Crocodylidae (sometimes classified as subfamily Crocodylinae). The term is also used loosely to refer to all members of the order Crocodilia (order Crocodilia): including true crocodiles (family Crocodylidae), alligators ¹ (genus Alligator, family Alligatoridae). ) and the Caiman crocodile (genus Caiman, Melanosuchus ², Paleosuchus ², family Alligatoridae) and the Ganges crocodile (family Gavialidae)
Crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that inhabit a wide area of tropical Africa, Asia, North America, South America and Oceania. Crocodiles tend to live in slow-moving rivers and lakes, their food is quite diverse, mainly living or dead mammals as well as fish. Some species, mainly saltwater crocodiles in Australia and the islands of the Pacific, are known to be able to swim far out to sea.
Large crocodiles can be very dangerous to humans. Saltwater crocodiles and Nile crocodiles are the most dangerous, killing hundreds of people each year in parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. The short-snouted crocodile and possibly the black caiman (which is endangered on the IUCN Red List) are also dangerous to humans.

Crocodiles are very agile for short distances, even out in the water. They have powerful jaws and sharp teeth for tearing flesh, but they cannot open their mouth if it is tightly closed, so there are several stories of people surviving long-snouted Nile crocodiles by their jaws closed. All large crocodiles also have sharp and strong claws. Crocodiles are ambush hunters, they wait for fish or land animals to approach, then attack quickly.
After using its powerful bite, the crocodile dragged the victim into the river to drown until suffocation. Then, to tear the bait, it grabbed the piece of meat and then rotated many times to remove the meat. At first, you may think this is difficult because there is no support, but the crocodiles don’t have to worry about that: as soon as they can smell the blood, five or six crocodiles swim to express their opinion. want to share a meal, and often prey is torn into hundreds of pieces by powerful jaws and violent turns.
