Natalie Weaver never expected that her time with her daughter, Sophia, would be cut short, but themysteries of the afterlife remain inscrutable. Little Sophia, a beacon of diversity, respect for life, andequality, sadly passed away on May 23 at the age of 10, due to her rare disease, Rett syndrome.

After enduring a month of heartache following Sophia’s departure, Natalie has taken to social media touphold her daughter’s legacy. Sophia, a remarkable fighter who confronted not only the challenges posedby her rare disease but also countless criticisms, became a symbol of resilience. Some individuals evenexploited her image to advocate for the termination of pregnancies due to the risk of malformations.However, her unwavering mother fought tirelessly, receiving overwhelming support from organizationsand companies. In light of the damage caused, they offered their assistance to ensure that Sophia couldhave the best possible final days.


In January, Natalie made the difficult decision to cease extreme measures aimed at prolonging Sophia’slife, a heart-wrenching choice that left the family devastated. “She is in a hospice here at home, and wepromised her that we would never take her back to the hospital. I crawled into her bed, hugged hertightly, and that’s when she took her final breath,” recounts her devastated mother.




Natalie has received messages from individuals worldwide, expressing how Sophia’s strength has inspiredthem. While she wishes she had more time to change the world for Sophia and others like her, sheacknowledges that there is still much prejudice towards individuals with physical differences. For a briefmoment, she felt that she made an impact, and she hopes her daughter is proud of her. However, shelongs to have done even more. “I would have wanted her to be here to witness a world that fully embracesher,” concludes Natalie.