Overcoming Life’s oЬѕtасɩeѕ: A Blind Dog Parent’s Inspiring раtһ of Strength and Belief

Although Bumper was born with blindness and deafness, his family quickly realized his intelligence and curiosity when they first met him at 8 weeks old. In a heartwarming video recorded by his mom, Amy, Bumper is seen excitingly reacting to a surprise visit from Faeron, one of his favorite people.

As Bumper lay on his fluffy pillow, deep in slumber, Faeron entered the room quietly. Initially, Bumper didn’t seem to notice her presence. However, Faeron approached him and placed her hand near his nose, and suddenly Bumper woke up and recognized her.

According to Amy’s post on YouTube, their deaf and blind dog named Bumper usually detects when someone new enters the house and greets them at the door. However, in this instance, it took Bumper longer than usual to realize that someone had arrived. Amy is unsure why this happened, but once Bumper finally realized, his reaction was priceless.

The adorable dog named Bumper jumps with enthusiasm and rushes towards Faeron’s shoe while holding his pillow. Amy clarifies that Bumper’s initial reaction towards a new human visitor is to offer a toy or any item as a present. Additionally, he always heads to the door to bring back their shoes as a gesture of welcoming them.



Bumper engages in a lovely activity by playing a game. According to Amy, when there are several visitors around, he plays a matching game where he picks up a shoe from the entrance and wanders around with it until he finds the person whose scent matches that of the shoe.

Check out this brief clip showcasing how Bumper became a part of Amy’s family.