Furniture, plants, and decorative objects give the porch personality its own, but the floor is the base where everything can manifest. The choice of material and its placement should show the desired image. Trends suggest some of the most commercialized ideas and options
Very popular, ceramic is not too expensive and is practical and functional. Smaller in size than porcelain, it has a wide variety of textures and shades and is very resistant. Terracotta pottery has a very attractive handcrafted quality. Its warm colors and variants have a rustic finish ideal for outdoor spaces, and it resists heat well.
It is one of the most used materials in the construction of a house, both indoors and outdoors. Their applications increased significantly and their treatment made them suitable for patios, balconies, and terraces. There are smooth and rough surfaces, each one with its advantages and disadvantages,” says Pablo Diamante, owner of Maconta.
The expert points out that, when choosing this material for exteriors, it must have the necessary porosity to avoid a slippery surface (which could cause accidents due to falls).

Los pisos de hormigón son una buena opción para patios y jardines. Aunque su uso está más extendido en interiores, sus características técnicas también los hacen aptos para exteriores. Es una losa monolítica de hormigón fraguada in situ, al que le dan estampados, texturas y colores para utilizarlo como pavimento. Posee 5 centímetros de espesor mínimo y superficie coloreada con pigmentos endurecedores.
Puede ser una losa monolítica estructural, que elimina el costo y necesidad de un contrapiso, o puede aplicarse como revestimiento en 5-8 centímetros de espesor sobre losa estructural o contrapiso existente. De alta resistencia al desgaste, “se destaca por sus cualidades antiadherentes para zonas como piscinas o jardines”, dicen desde la firma Rocca Premezclados.

synthetic grass
When the soil, the orientation of the house or the lack of time for maintenance do not allow having natural grass, it is worth the option of synthetic or artificial grass, a product whose variety and quality has developed a lot in recent times.
From Grunhaut they explain that you can enjoy the landscape regardless of the season. Without disinfection, irrigation or cutting (from $2,207 per linear meter).

A modern solution for the patio, terrace, balcony or poolside. There are solid wood and lately PVC, both solid and hollow. “It requires maintenance every six months in order to avoid deterioration”, adds Diamante.
Although it is possible to place it on the ground or on a cement folder, the specialist points out that in the first case you have to be attentive to the growth of weeds and especially humidity. There are three types of wood on the market:

Hard: highly recommended. They have a longer useful life, but a high cost. The most common: lapacho, teak, anchico and curupay.
• Soft: they need a previous treatment. They last less, but are more accessible. Generally, the decks are made with eucalyptus saligna or pine.
• PVC: its use increased on the basis of its main characteristic, durability. Vinyl chloride is used in its manufacture, a derivative of plastic that stands out for its versatility and resistance. It is also recognized for good behavior in the face of water, ants, termites and other insects. Its rough surface guarantees safe transit even on a wet surface.

According to Maderas Sucre specialists, most people prefer eucalyptus due to its price. Meanwhile, those with better quality wood can cost more than double.
They provide a rustic air and good behavior. “Their great resistance allows them to withstand inclement weather and traffic (personal or vehicular). There are models for all tastes: rustic, washed stone, granite and shot-blasted granite”, say the commercial advisers, who also maintain that the most commercialized are shot-blasted tiles with sectorized design roughing treatment.

Those of Piedra Lavada Paraná are resistant; They come in different shades and can be combined between the two.
Shot blasted tile. Highly resistant and combination possibilities. Its finish is polished in some sectors and shot-blasted (rustic touch) in others, generating a light effect and allowing multiple designs.
Granite tile. Its factory finish is polished, so it has an excellent shine and requires minimal maintenance.

The stone meets the necessary conditions to be placed outdoors. It is waterproof, supports inclement weather and decorates any space by itself. It results from a high aesthetic because they give a natural and authentic appearance. Versatile and can be obtained in various cuts, sizes and shades, mostly from quarries in the country (although it is also possible to find some of Brazilian origin).

