Stones are one of the favorite materials in gardens, and the more worn and old the stones, the better. The gravel is mainly used as decoration around the plants, as paths, or forming serpentine figures, simulating a river. We will show you below a series of photos and very inspiring ideas of gardens with stones.
Lawns consume too much water to keep them green and fresh in color. It also needs constant maintenance and care to be beautiful and attractive. That is why the benefits of gravel instead of grass as a ground cover in the garden are increasingly valued.

Stone gardens simulating streams It may not be the first thing we think of when we imagine our own garden, but first of all, it’s not a bad idea. Forming the shapes of a stream with stones is an alternative to create visual interest in the patio, or, for those who did not have success with a common garden because the location of the same prevents the natural growth of the plants, or perhaps due to poor attention from your gardener.





Gardens with stones in flowerbeds You can build flowerbeds with stones and some plants. There is a huge variety of low-maintenance plants that fit perfectly into the environment. For example adding mosses and ferns to the rock garden. You can also use flowering plants like alder and delphinium. Use evergreens and dwarf trees.







